What we do

What We Do

Working for Democracy, Making Democracy Work

Citizen Participation
Public Debates
Democracy & Technology
Democratic Governance
Free and Fair Elections
Countering Authoritarian Influence
Women & Democracy
Youth Leadership
Political Parties
Mountains in the distance, obscured by fog with evergreen trees in the foreground shadow.
Citizen Participation
We recognize that citizen-centered activism – driven by real community needs and desires – is a powerful transformative force.
Mountains in the distance, obscured by fog with evergreen trees in the foreground shadow.
Public Debates
NDI has partnered with the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), the non-profit, non-partisan organization, to help new and experienced debate sponsors overcome challenges.
Mountains in the distance, obscured by fog with evergreen trees in the foreground shadow.
Democracy & Technology
NDI’s Democracy and Technology (DemTech) division seeks to foster an inclusive and global digital ecosystem
Mountains in the distance, obscured by fog with evergreen trees in the foreground shadow.
Democratic Governance
NDI views the development of effective, democratic, public-sector institutions as a critical component of its mission. Improved governance is the most direct way for democratic development to impact citizens’ lives.
Mountains in the distance, obscured by fog with evergreen trees in the foreground shadow.
Free and Fair Elections
NDI’s approach to election-related programming seeks to maximize the opportunities presented by elections to help advance democratic progress.
Mountains in the distance, obscured by fog with evergreen trees in the foreground shadow.
Countering Authoritarian Influence
NDI works with partners to shine a light on illiberal influences, improve debt transparency and strengthen democratic institutions.
Mountains in the distance, obscured by fog with evergreen trees in the foreground shadow.
Women & Democracy
NDI’s focus on women’s political empowerment comes from the belief that democratic resilience requires that political systems and processes take account of the voice and agency of all populations.
Mountains in the distance, obscured by fog with evergreen trees in the foreground shadow.
Youth Leadership
NDI supports young people to channel their energy, creativity and aspirations to become political leaders and activists.
Mountains in the distance, obscured by fog with evergreen trees in the foreground shadow.
Political Parties
NDI supports the development of vibrant, accountable and inclusive multiparty systems that offer citizens meaningful choices and opportunities for political participation.

40 Years @NDI

NDI is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization working to help people around the globe choose freedom. We believe that free people who have a say in how they’re governed — and leaders who are responsive and accountable to their people — fosters more stability, security and prosperity for everyone. NDI envisions a world where democracy and freedom prevail, with dignity for all.

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Debunking six myths about democracy and democracy support

Reconsidering a number of lingering myths that threaten to benefit democracy’s adversaries, and corrode the confidence and resilience of democracy’s defenders.

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