Where We Work



NDI has been working in Ecuador since 2002, when it assisted civic leaders in establishing a national organization to conduct domestic election observation initiatives. From 2006 to 2012, NDI maintained a field office in Ecuador to help political organizations with internal reform efforts, to develop platforms on key issues of national concern and to encourage cooperation between political parties and civil society. These initiatives included strengthening advocacy coalitions in the provinces of Chimborazo, Esmeraldas and Sucumbíos. From 2016 to 2019, NDI worked with political party and civil society groups in Ecuador on political reform initiatives through regional programs. Since 2017, NDI has worked to strengthen the capacity of Ecuadorian lawmakers and civil society to more effectively promote accountability, legislative openness and transparency in the National Assembly through international exchanges, training sessions and the sharing of materials and case studies. In preparation for the 2021 elections, NDI re-established a field office to work with local partner organizations to implement electoral integrity, open data, citizen security and participation initiatives. NDI continues to support initiatives addressing citizen security, electoral and political reform, open parliament, political transparency and citizen participation.

Meet The Experts

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Deborah Ullmer

Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean Programs
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