January 20th, 2009

December 09th, 2008

Will Bangladesh Pull Off A Free and Fair Election? | Dec. 12, 2008

TIME  | Link to article »

On Dec. 29, Bangladesh voters will cast their ballots in the nation's first general election in seven years. The polls have been a focal point of the country's politics ever since a military intervention in January 2007, which postponed scheduled elections in order to end escalating violence between followers of two rival political parties.

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Ghana puts faith in humble text message | Dec. 8, 2008

Financial Times | Link to article »

Adopting the soothing tones of an operator on an emergency hotline, Harriet Potakey, one of a score of controllers at Ghana’s election monitoring “command centre”, seeks to calm an excited caller. 

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Ghanaians vote for new president | Dec. 7, 2008

AFP | Link to article »

Ghanaians went to the polls on Sunday to choose the man who will succeed President John Kufuor, in an election that observers hope will show a beacon of stability in an African continent rife with conflict. 



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