INFO/tegrity and NDI’s efforts to combat disinformation

NDI President Kenneth Wollack urges "degree of perspective" about democratic development during speech to Georgetown University students

February 6, 2018

Women in Sokoto state of northern Nigeria influence decision-making by targeting local government

Focus Group Research: At-risk Macedonian citizens expect more transparency, accountability and support

Madeleine K. Albright Luncheon (May 9) brings global perspective to #NotTheCost

December 06th, 2018

Please join us for the 35th Anniversary Gala (#NDIat35) to celebrate the National Democratic Institute's three decades working to break down barriers to democracy and look toward the future. Currently working in more than 50 countries, NDI is the preeminent organization that responds to the aspirations of people to live in democratic societies that recognize and promote fundamental human rights. When opportunity knocks for democracy, NDI is there to help.


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