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Call for Participation in the NDI Youth Leadership Academy

Resource Type
NDI North Macedonia

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE YOUTH LEADERSHIP ACADEMY The National Democratic Institute (NDI) through the Swedish funded project WoMen Lead: Аdvancing Gender Equality through Women’s Political Participation, announces a call for participation in the Youth Leadership Academy. By participating in the academy, participants will:

  • Learn how to be more effective leaders,
  • Strengthen their negotiation and communication skills,
  • Cutivate their policy development skills,
  • Enhance their gender sensitivity,
  • Connect with each other, and
  • Build Confidence to advocate for greater gender equality and inclusion in political life.

The Leadership Academy will include up to 50 male and female students of law, political science and gender studies from the universities "Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, “St. Kliment Ohridski”, “Fadil Sulejmani” and “Goce Delchev” who have an interest in politics and political participation. Undergraduate and graduate and doctoral students can apply to the academy. To participate in the academy, qualified participants should meet the following requirements:

  • to be citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia,
  • to study at one of the faculties indicated in this call,
  • to have an interest in politics, political leadership and involvement in public life,
  • not to be registered members of a political party,
  • to be fluent in English,
  • to be aged 20-29 years, and
  • to have the support of their respective faculty for their participation in the academy.

All interested participants can declare their interest by completing and sending the application form to [email protected] latest by 21 February 2022. The application must be completed in English and can be downloaded through this link. The selection of academy participants will be made by NDI in cooperation with the respective faculty. The main goal of the academy is to strengthen youth leadership knowledge and skills and motivate them to be more actively involved in policy-making, and to make active contributions to advancing gender equality in the country. The Аcademy will be implemented throughout 2022. NDI will organize three workshops focusing on the following topics: leadership skills, effective communication, message development and communication, media relations, inclusiveness in decision-making and policy development processes, strategic thinking for negotiation and debate, organizational management skills etc. Prescribed protective measures against the Covid-19 pandemic will be observed during the academy. NDI is committed to ensuring that diversity, equity and inclusion are reflected in all aspects of the Institute's work, including in the delivery and organization of this academy. NDI will seek to proactively secure diversity and equal opportunities for participation among participants, whether they are participants, speakers, panelists or involved in some other capacity or role. For more information about the academy and the participation requirements, please contact NDI at [email protected].

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