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Final Report on the Observation of the 2017 Electoral Process: Non-Partisan Electoral Observation, Honduras, March 2018

Resource Type
National Democratic Institute

A final report on the observation of the 2017 electoral process in Honduras conducted by the electoral observation coalition Observación N-26 (ON-26), with technical assistance from NDI. ON-26 is composed of members from the following Honduran civil society organizations: Pastoral Social Cáritas de Honduras; Centro de Documentación de Honduras (CEDOH); Federación de Organizaciones No Gubernamentales para el Desarrollo de Honduras (FOPRIDEH); Foro Social para la Deuda Externa y el Desarrollo de Honduras (FOSDEH); Grupo Sociedad Civil (GSC); Instituto Universitario en Democracia, Paz y Seguridad (IUDPAS); Red Lésbica Cattrachas; and Sien Comunicaciones.

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