In Armenia:
Hovhannes Harutunyan
In the United States:
Jerry Hartz
+1 202 728-5500
“As a new democracy, Armenia faces a long road ahead,” said Ambassador Derek Mitchell, President of the National Democratic Institute, at the conclusion of a visit to the country. “But it’s clear the country already has at its disposal an abundance of ingredients for success. Chief among these are fresh democratic energy from a new generation of leaders, an increasing number of politically-active women and youth, and the support of the international community of democracies.”
Mitchell visited Yerevan February 26-28 for consultations on developments in Armenia’s democracy and NDI programming. This was Mitchell’s first visit to Armenia as NDI President.
During his three-day visit, Mitchell met with members of parliament and political party leaders from ruling and opposition factions, and representatives of the diplomatic community.
Mitchell participated in the launch of two new NDI projects: the Intern Program of the National Assembly of Armenia and the Katarine Women’s Political Leadership Program. He also participated in a graduation ceremony for the Institute’s Young Political Leadership Strategy Program.
“I was deeply impressed with the enthusiasm, commitment and vision of the women and youth leaders I met,” said Mitchell. “Democracy will be incomplete until their voices are equitably represented throughout the political system. Their skills and talents are invaluable and as-yet untapped assets for the country.”
With renewed funding from donors such as the U.S. Agency for International Development and the National Endowment for Democracy, NDI was able to return to Armenia in 2018 after several years of working remotely. Prior to the 2018 parliamentary elections, NDI supported candidate debates and nonpartisan citizen election monitoring.
NDI currently partners with Armenian political parties and parliamentary factions across the political spectrum, women leaders, and youth activists. NDI conducts regular public opinion research to provide partners with reliable data on citizen priorities to inform policy priorities. In all of its activities, NDI responds to requests from its Armenian partners.
“NDI has been pleased by its new partnerships in Armenia and looks forward to continuing its support to Armenia’s democracy for years to come,” Mitchell said.
For more information about NDI and its programs, please visit .