
Report on NDI and OGP Local: Collaboration and Implementation in Tunisia and Morocco
“One of the most favorable outcomes of encouraging collaboration between civil society organizations and the Regional Council is improved communication,” reflected a Moroccan civil society leader at the conclusion of Béni Mellal-Khénifra region’s open government reform co-creation process.

The Open Government Partnership: A How-To Guide for Members of Parliament
In the face of many global challenges, from climate change to public health and democratic backsliding, an effective government strategy demands the participation of citizens. In particular, democratic parliaments that have embraced open governance understand that people must be at the heart of parliament and that governance must be responsive to citizens.

Citizens Express Their Priorities: Moroccan Citizens’ Views and Preferences Ahead of the 2016 Parliamentary Elections

Getting Closer to Citizens: A Manual on Outreach for Elected Officials
This manual captures the lessons learned and best practices for constituency outreach, based on the experience of the 14 Moroccan members of parliament and their assistants who were trained by the National Democratic Institute.

Moving Closer to Constituents : Citizen Perceptions of the 2015 Local and Regional Elections
In September 2015, Moroccans voted in the first regional and local elections since the 2011 constitutional revision. The one-year period between these municipal polls and the October 2016 legislative elections presents an opportunity for political parties to gather, analyze and respond to citizen reactions to the campaign period and to Moroccan elections more broadly.