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A paper with lines resembling text, a line chart, and a pie chart

Empower & Lead: A guide on using the media safely and effectively

An open democratic space requires inclusive political processes supported by a free media that operates with integrity. This guide is a compilation of best practices and lessons learned and serves as a resource to help women in politics and women in the media use the media safely and effectively. It is the product of an innovative program partnership between NDI's Gender, Women and Democracy team and the International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF).

Local Government Gender Assessment and Action Planning Implementation Guide

This guide, “Local Government Gender Assessment and Action Planning” (LGGAAP), can be used by local government staff and officials in collaboration with civil society organizations and members of the community to assess how well a local government addresses gender inequality and engages with diverse groups of women.

NDI’s Submission to the CEDAW Committee on Equal and Inclusive Representation of Women in Decision-making Systems

Drawing on its pioneering work on Violence against Women in Politics (VAW-P) and #NotTheCost campaign, NDI submitted inputs to the UN Committee overseeing compliance with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) to ensure States tackle violence against w

Screenshot of Political Process Monitoring Guide website

Political Process Monitoring Guidebook

Citizen participation is instrumental in promoting transparent and accountable government, and in fostering the norms that underpin a functioning democratic system. Democracy develops and deepens when citizens are active and exercise their right to be heard, and when they use organized, informed action to hold government accountable for making real improvements in people’s lives.

Spoiler Alert: A Framework for Analyzing the Remnants of Toppled Kleptocracies and the Forces of Reform

Spoiler Alert: A Framework for Analyzing the Remnants of Toppled Kleptocracies and the Forces of Reform

At the start of this century, just over 20 years ago, Peru was in the process of deep ‘dekleptification.’ After a decade in power, President Alberto Fujimori and Vladimiro Montesinos, his notorious chief of intelligence services, had fled the country to evade justice.

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