
The Open Government Partnership: A How-To Guide for Members of Parliament
In the face of many global challenges, from climate change to public health and democratic backsliding, an effective government strategy demands the participation of citizens. In particular, democratic parliaments that have embraced open governance understand that people must be at the heart of parliament and that governance must be responsive to citizens.

Developing A Decision Maker Engagement Plan
Organizations and activists can inform and shape decisions around policy, budget and draft legislation by engaging with government officials and lawmakers at all levels. By providing decision makers with expert knowledge of their area of practice, organizations and activists can provide critical information that would not otherwise be brought to the government’s attention about how certain policies, procedures and laws operate on the ground and affect the communities they represent.

Co/Act: Human Centered Design for Activists
Human-centered design frameworks start by identifying who a product is for and then placing them at the center of the product strategy. The Co/Act toolkit adapts and expands this approach to design digital products, services, or campaigns through modular do-it-yourself style activities that are aggressively low cost, high impact, interdisciplinary, and focused on building the capacity of participants.

Interventions to End Online Violence Against Women in Politics
Online violence against women in politics (OVAW-P) poses a deepening challenge to democracy, serving as a key tool of illiberalism and democratic backsliding across the globe.

Electoral Participation of Internally Displaced People and Nomadic Pastoralists in Sudan
Sudan’s roughly three million internally displaced persons (IDPs) and three million nomadic pastoralists have historically been excluded from participating in electoral processes, both due to ethnic and political conflicts in their regions and to a lack of investment from the government to effectively engage these marginalized communities.