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Public sentiment, activism and attitudes towards democracy according to Polish public opinion

This report, produced under the Central Europe Civic Engagement Project (CECEP) by the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA), delves into the initial segment of a comprehensive analysis derived from a quantitative study conducted in June 2023. The study, which employed online and face-to-face interview techniques, surveyed a representative sample of 4,088 Polish citizens aged 17 years and above.

Power, Voice, Space and Accountability: A summary analysis on Malaysian Youth Advocacy by NDI Malaysia

This assessment was produced in 2022 by National Democratic Institute (NDI) Malaysia, as part of its 2022 Youth Program. This assessment provides a result summary of the qualitative assessments conducted by NDI throughout March and April 2022.

It touches on the current structures, key players, challenges and opportunities that exist in the local youth advocacy space that affects the local youth social-political processes.

A paper with lines resembling text, a line chart, and a pie chart

Poland’s Democratic Opportunity, and Consequences for Ukrainian Refugees

With an unprecedented wave of voters mobilizing for a pro-democratic, western-oriented coalition of opposition parties, Poland’s parliamentary elections on October 15, 2023 unseated the national-conservative Law and Justice (PiS) after eight years in power.

Fostering Anti-Corruption in Environmental Governance in North Macedonia

Environmental corruption is globally gaining momentum in a world witnessing rapid transformation of traditional corrupt practices. This report looks at corruption in environmental governance in North Macedonia, and offers alternatives to tackling the issue through programmatic interventions, which could foster anti-corruption practices, and increase resilience to environmental corruption.

A paper with lines resembling text, a line chart, and a pie chart

Major Voter Turnout in Poland’s 2023 Parliamentary Elections

With an unprecedented wave of voters mobilizing for a pro-democratic, western-oriented coalition of opposition parties, Poland’s parliamentary elections on October 15 unseated the national-conservative Law and Justice (PiS) after eight years in power, during which democratic institutions and the rule of law were seen to have weakened, the country rallied to support Ukraine and the influx of Ukrainian refugees into Poland, and Warsaw’s relations with Germany and the European Union to

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