
Defending Democracy with Political Party Network Collaboration
Democratic political parties are in the midst of a perfect storm of populism, extremism, nationalism and authoritarianism. Corruption, indifference to voters and opaque party organizations have undermined public confidence in political parties, fueling democratic instability and weakening global institutions. Illiberal actors and malign influences from foreign governments like China, Russia and Saudi Arabia are likely to continue escalating their attacks on democracies in the years to come.

DISICON - Information Integrity Conference 2022, 4th Edition
With the highest internet access in the western Balkans, Kosovo faces vast threats to its information integrity. NDI’s global mission in supporting and strengthening democratic institutions recognizes this growing threat to democratic institutions and political and social fabrics globally. While the internet has empowered billions with access to knowledge, it has also empowered those seeking to undermine democracy.

They Come Clean, They Contribute, and Yet They Don’t Get In
In PNG, individual, socio-cultural, and institutional factors continue to hinder women’s political participation and their representation in legislative bodies. Cultural and institutional barriers reinforce each other and impact the extent to which women compete and are successful in the political arena.

Citizen Election Observation of the 2022 PNG National General Election in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville
Building on past experience in citizen election observation, the Bougainville Women’s Federation (BWF) conducted an impartial, independent, and objective assessment of the 2022 Papua New Guinea (PNG) General Election in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (AROB).

Bosnia and Herzegovina’s October 2022 elections
Ethnic identity and related political grievances pre-dominated at the ballot box on October 2, as before, but other political voices broke through. While final, certified results in some of the races are pending, NDI staff in Sarajevo and Banja Luka below go through the outcomes and offer key take-aways of what the elections signal for the democratization agenda in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).