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A book with the letter I on its cover. The I is surrounded by a circle.

Handbook on Successful Mediation in the Work of Municipal Councils

The COVID-19 pandemic allowed NDI and OSCE Mission to Skopje to reprogram funding and share our direct experience engaging municipal councilors in the preparation of this Handbook for Successful Mediation in the Work of the Municipal Councils. The handbook can serve as a resource for civil society organizations (CSOs), civic engagement experts, the donor community and others who work with subnational commissions for inter-ethnic relations and municipal councilors. To better understand the importance of collaboration to achieve mutually-agreed goals, elected officials may also benefit from the handbook as they work to represent the communities for which they serve.

Recommendations for Safe Work and Reorganization of the Working Processes in the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia

For the purposes of cooperation and support of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia, the Parliament Support Programme, after the meeting held with Secretary General of the Assembly Cvetanka Ivanova on 6 July 2020, submits this proposal of recommendations for safe work and reorganization of the working processes in the Parliament.

Manual on Report Writing : Making a Good Impression Without Even Showing Up

This publication aims to support state-level institutions in drafting and editing high-quality reports, communications, and publications. This resource provides a list of recommendations and tips on the factors to consider when writing or editing a report, as well as what mistakes to avoid. These guidelines also explain how to write effectively in English-- an essential skill in reporting on the EU accession process.

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