Search results for: Ukraine

Arianit "Niti" Shehu is NDI’s senior country director with Middle East and North Africa team and manages the Institute's programs in Jordan and Syria. Mr. Shehu is one of NDI’s leading experts on civil society strengthening, elections, parliamentary strengthening, and citizen-based advocacy programs. Mr.

With an unprecedented wave of voters mobilizing for a pro-democratic, western-oriented coalition of opposition parties, Poland’s parliamentary elections on October 15, 2023 unseated the national-conservative Law and Justice (PiS) after eight years in power.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the Kremlin and other authoritarian regimes are engaged in a global effort to undermine democratic institutions and norms. While their tactics and scale differ, authoritarian actors weaken democratic governance in order to strengthen corrupt and kleptocratic networks that enrich their economic interests at the expense of citizens.

The future of open societies in the digital age depends on the ability of those who believe in democracy and human rights to effectively and safely make use of the internet.

Global threats to democracy have recently been compounded by multiple complex and overlapping crises, including climate impact, violent conflicts, rising inflation, inequality and more. Democratic institutions are under significant pressure to respond to the polycrisis to ensure citizen needs are met, and to do so in ways that reinforce democratic systems of governance.

Swift access to trustworthy information is critical for first responders, governments, and the general public during crises and other critical democratic moments. However, crises often present unique and heightened risks to the information space.


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