Search results for: Ukraine

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A New Policy Brief Launched By The National Democratic Institute, Transparency International & The Open Government Partnership

The biannual International Anti-Corruption Conference hosted by Transparency International (TI) is the largest gathering of anti-corruption experts, activists, and government officials around the globe.

NDI to Field High-Level International Observation Mission for Ukrainian Presidential Election

Remarks by Derek Mitchell 

President, National Democratic Institute

U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee Briefing on Democracy, Authoritarianism, and COVID-19

May 7, 2020



Between May and June 2023, NDI conducted 14 qualitative focus groups, and 700 face-to-face and 700 CATI interviews with Polish and Ukrainian residents living in seven of Poland’s largest cities, which include Białystok, Katowice, Łódź, Lublin, Rzeszów, Wrocław, Kraków. The interviews and focus groups explored attitudes toward the Ukrainian refugee population in Poland, along with how Ukrainian citizens experience the cities they live in.

Background and Political Context

Win With Women Global Initiative


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