Search results for: aFRICA
Mr. Christopher Wyrod is NDI’s senior country director for Myanmar (Burma). He brings over 25 years of experience in democratic governance supporting civil society and government institutions in fragile and post-conflict countries in Africa and Asia.
Observers of African politics are often intrigued by Cabo Verde’s remarkable stability and economic progress since the country transitioned to multiparty democracy in 1991. The island nation, located in the Atlantic Ocean 340 miles off the coast of Senegal, is consistently rated as “free” by Freedom House.
Thusitha leads NDI's country program in Sri Lanka for strengthening parliament and support to civil society.
ACCRA, Ghana – The National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the International Republican Institute (IRI) are fielding a joint delegation to assess preparations for Ghana’s December 7, 2016 presidential and parliamentary elections. The delegation includes regional and election experts from North America and Africa: Ambassador (retired) Johnnie Carson, former U.S.
NAIROBI, Kenya – The National Democratic Institute (NDI) today released its findings and recommendations from its international pre-election assessment mission to Kenya’s general elections, scheduled for August 8, 2017.
LIBREVILLE – The National Democratic Institute (NDI) released today its Report on the Pre-Election Mission to Gabon. From May 29 to June 3, NDI deployed an international delegation to Gabon in order to assess preparations for the 2016 presidential poll and to support Gabonese efforts at ensuring a peaceful, transparent and credible election.