Search results for: Ukraine

With an unprecedented wave of voters mobilizing for a pro-democratic, western-oriented coalition of opposition parties, Poland’s parliamentary elections on October 15 unseated the national-conservative Law and Justice (PiS) after eight years in power, during which democratic institutions and the rule of law were seen to have weakened, the country rallied to support Ukraine and the influx of Ukrainian refugees into Poland, and Warsaw’s relations with Germany and the European Union to

Democracy is taking center stage in 2024 as over 60 nations gear up for significant electoral events. The world is watching as millions of citizens participate in shaping the political landscape of their countries through major elections, including in the United States.

Ahead of World Internet Day on October 29th, the National Democratic Institute (NDI) released today a new report on “Interventions to End Online Violence Against Women in Politics.” The report details a list of 26 interventions that technology platforms, governments, civil society organizations and the media can take to make meaningful progress towards ending online violence against women in politics. 

NDI opens first country office in Romania in 1991, and more offices open rapidly across the entire Eastern European region as support for democracy expands at the end of the Cold War

Democracy never stops, even in the face of a globally broadcast Zoom call. During a session of the Legislative Track of the Summit for Democracy, featured panelist, Polish MP Hon. Agnieszka Pomaska took viewers into the parliamentary chambers while she voted and simultaneously spoke about parliament’s role in fighting executive overreach.

NDI mourns the passing of its Chair, Madeleine Albright, earlier today in Washington D.C.  

At the time of her passing, her family released a statement, which we attach here

A NDI statewide poll in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), conducted in December 2021 found that a minority of respondents in Republika Srpska (RS) at 34%, support Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik’s declared intention to withdraw the RS from state institutions, with 35% favoring RS independence. Forty-eight (48)% of RS respondents are against the withdrawal of the RS from state institutions, and 45% of RS respondents are against independence.


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