Internet access and powerful communication technologies are spreading around the world at an extraordinary rate, transforming the way citizens live and interact with each other. Social media drives a global conversation of ideas. Smartphone cameras produce on-the-scene reporting of events that can be put up for international analysis. Massive amounts of data are collected and made accessible in compelling visualizations.

April 8, 2024
March 20, 2024

In a democracy, power is derived from the consent, collective will and inclusion of the people. In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, developments such as Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI) can force an examination of the fundamental aspects of power and how these changes may help or hinder democracy.

January 10, 2024

The Global Cyber Alliance (GCA) and the National Democratic Institute (NDI) announced a partnership today to continue promoting their work around the digital safety of elections and other democratic political processes. 

As part of this collaboration, GCA and NDI will be working together to bolster the accessibility and usability of NDI’s Cybersecurity Handbook for Civil Society Organizations by including links to all its language versions within the GCA Cybersecurity Toolkit for Mission-Based Organizations.


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