June 20, 2017
March 28, 2017
January 12, 2017

Code for All

NDI has partnered with Code for All—a global network of organizations that believe in the power of digital technology to create positive impact in communities—to support the community’s growth and development.

November 18, 2016


DemTools is an online hub of tech tools and related resources for democracy created by the National Democratic Institute's (NDI) Democracy for Technology (DemTech) team. It catalogues software, approaches, toolkits and guides that DemTech regards as trusted technology or technology-related resources for the democracy community. The DemTech team provides tailored support and advice on topics related to the impacts of technology for democracy, the use of technology in democratic development and applying human-centered design approaches to democracy programming. DemCloud is a cloud-hosting service that DemTech provides to NDI staff and partners for a select number NDI-supported open-source tools tailored by NDI to apply technology solutions to common problems faced by NDI's partners around the world. The DemCloud toolkit harnesses the power of free, open-source software to provide civic organizations, legislatures, and political parties with the capabilities to effectively engage 21st century citizens:

  • involving citizens in government decision-making;
  • helping civil society groups organize in a digital world;
  • better connecting elected officials with constituents;
  • managing election data; and
  • fostering civic dialogue through social media.


Cultivating Democracy



Democracy and Technology

NDI believes all people have the right to live in a world that respects their dignity, security, and political rights—and the digital world is no exception. 

NDI's Democracy and Technology (DemTech) division seeks to foster an inclusive and global digital ecosystem in which: 


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