Great Expectations in South Sudan | March 1, 2010

Conflict and Development| Link to story  »

"Whatever the outcome of the referendum (and most people predict a majority in favor of secession), the government has a lot of explaining to do — to its own people. Reading the latest survey by the National Democratic Institute, which has been tracking opinion in the South since 2004, I can see some disturbing trends:


Memorandum on New Political Channel Signed | February 24, 2010

The Messenger Online| Link to story  »

"24 Saati writes that an agreement on the new format of the Second Channel has been signed by 11 political parties, the Director of the Georgian Public Broadcaster and the Director of the Second Channel at the office of the National Democratic Institute. This agreement followed an initiative by Parliament Chairman David Bakradze.


March 08th, 2010

March 02nd, 2010


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