The National Democratic Institute (NDI) has released its final report on the Nov. 29, 2009, general elections in Honduras, reiterating the opportunity and responsibility of President Porfirio Lobo and other newly-elected leaders to do everything possible to overcome divisions in the country. NDI’s hope is that the report can provide Hondurans and the international community with an impartial and independent analysis of those elections to assist in the process of national reconciliation.

Rwanda: NDI Opens Youth Academy in Country | Feb. 5, 2010

AllAfrica| Link to story  »

"The National Democratic Institute (NDI) yesterday joined members of the Forum For Political Parties (FFPP) to launch Rwanda's premier Youth Leadership Political Academy...

"In a ceremony attended by several political party representatives and members of the diplomatic corps, the Executive Secretary of FFPP, Anicet Kayigema, said that the Academy was being launched to equip the youth with the tools necessary for them to take interest in politics."


NDI conference advocates use of Web 2.0 | Feb. 3, 2010

United Press International| Link to story  »

A recent National Democratic Institute conference was designed to foster the use of new media platforms by social activists in the Middle East and North Africa.


February 26th, 2010


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