Guatemalan Congress Passes Open Parliament Action Plan

March 15, 2017

May 02nd, 2017

The National Democratic Institute (NDI) will host the 2017 Madeleine K. Albright Luncheon on Tuesday, May 2, 2017 in Washington, DC.

Taking the Road Less Traveled: NDI’s Conflict Transformation Program in Kosovo

NDI Celebrates International Women's Day

Haitian Senators Set Sights on Progress at Bipartisan Retreat

March 13, 2017

This interview of Robert Benjamin, NDI Regional Director for CEE Programs, was conducted by Pavol Demes as part of a public affairs program that he runs at TASR, the Slovak news agency. The interview focused on general political conditions in Slovakia and Central Europe, and how democracy is faring accordingly.

Watch the interview here. 

Event: How to Make Cities Work for Women's Economic Empowerment

March 15th, 2017

Join us for our CSW61 parallel event. Sponsored by the Huairou Comission and the National Democratic Institute, this parallel event will explore the question: what kind of governance is needed to make cities places for women's economic empowerment? Panelists from civil society and local government will discuss the opportunities and challenges for working women in cities, and the structures, institutuions and interfaces they need to succeed and to be equal and empowered citizens.

Lunch provided.


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