
Women's Political Participation and Political Violence Against Women in Honduras

Resource Type
National Democratic Institute

During the 2017 general elections in Honduras, a cross-section of civil society groups came together to form Observation N-26 (Observación N-26), a non-partisan citizen election observation coalition comprised of research and advocacy centers, citizen watch groups, women's advocates, journalists who promote and defend freedom of expression and the right to information, and defenders of human rights. The election observation coalition monitored various aspects of the electoral process and each of the member organizations identified qualitative aspects of the electoral process that matched their institutional interests.

A member of Observación N-26, Civil Society Group (Grupo Sociedad Civil, GSC) analyzed and documented the effect of “Regulation Governing the Application of the Principle of Parity and Mechanisms for Alternation in the Political Participation of Women and Men in the Electoral Process” (Reglamento de Aplicación del Principio de Paridad y del Mecanismo de Alternancia en la Participación Política de Mujeres y Hombres en los Procesos Electorales) on women's participation during the elections. With NDI technical assistance, GSC also developed a questionnaire to document cases of political violence against women candidates. This assessment details a comparative analysis of women's political participation in Honduras as well as documented for the first time cases of gender-based political violence during the last election cycle.

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