
Request for Proposal (RFP) - Public opinion poll and focus groups in Croatia
NDI seeks a public opinion research firm to conduct quantitative and qualitative public opinion research in the Republic of Croatia between July and August 2024, as described below:

National Democratic Institute Announces the International Leaders Forum 2024
Political leaders from around the globe and across the spectrum will gather in Chicago this summer to observe the Democratic National Convention

Request for Proposal (RFP) - Open edX Platform Support and Course Development
The purpose of this request for proposal (RFP) is to identify a vendor or vendors who can dedicate a collective estimated 300 hours over 24 months to design, implement, train on, upgrade and internationalize an online course application using the Open edX platform.

Promoting Resilience for Social Media Monitors in Malaysia
Social media monitoring projects are increasingly important to analyze the information environment surrounding an election. To gain a deeper understanding of how online narratives impact the credibility of an election requires a large team to analyze a large amount of data.

Elections and Online Political Ads Monitoring in Ukraine -- Case Study: Civil Network OPORA
As voters around the world continue to get more information through digital platforms, political campaigns are moving increasingly online. Many social media platforms allow campaigns and advertisers to micro-target audiences at scale and with unprecedented specificity. That ability to target audiences can make or break a campaign. However online political ads are less transparent and more difficult to monitor than traditional media advertising.