
Political Strategy in Closed and Closing Spaces: A Playbook for Political Parties
Around the world, emerging authoritarian threats have put democratic institutions at risk of backsliding and new democracies in danger of losing critical progress made towards fair and inclusive democratic systems. Democratic political parties can play a critical role in combating authoritarian forces but need to be aware of the risks that come along with operating in a closing or closed democratic space.

Empower & Lead: A guide on using the media safely and effectively
An open democratic space requires inclusive political processes supported by a free media that operates with integrity. This guide is a compilation of best practices and lessons learned and serves as a resource to help women in politics and women in the media use the media safely and effectively. It is the product of an innovative program partnership between NDI's Gender, Women and Democracy team and the International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF).

New Realities of Citizen Election Observation in Africa Summit
The “New Realities of Citizen Election Observation in Africa Summit” was held in response to the changing nature of elections in Africa and around the world. From May 9 to 11, leaders from 24 citizen observer organizations from 20 countries from across Africa met in Accra, Ghana to strategize on how to better safeguard elections.

Russia’s Influence In Africa: Scenarios To Inform Greater Democratic Resilience
Since 2014, Russia’s engagement with Africa has increased significantly and includes activities in the information space, illicit political financing, the security sector and extractive industries that threaten democracy on the continent. This report outlines four scenarios for how Russia’s involvement in Africa may change from 2023 to 2025 as a result of the costly war on Ukraine.

Local Government Gender Assessment and Action Planning Implementation Guide
This guide, “Local Government Gender Assessment and Action Planning” (LGGAAP), can be used by local government staff and officials in collaboration with civil society organizations and members of the community to assess how well a local government addresses gender inequality and engages with diverse groups of women.