
Request for Concept Notes - Small Grants for Afghan Civil Society Organizations in the Diaspora
The purpose of this request for concept notes is to identify Afghan diaspora CSOs who will provide technical assistance, capacity building and/or resources to convene visioning and consensus-building sessions for Afghan diaspora groups and networks working to protect human rights and democratic gains in Afghanistan. All concept notes should be submitted in English via email to [email protected] at the

NDI Condemns the Detention of Staff Members in Yemen and Demands Their Immediate Release
The National Democratic Institute (NDI) strongly condemns the unjustified and unprovoked detention of three staff members in Sana’a, Yemen, and urgently demands their immediate release. Three NDI staff members were taken from their homes by forces of the Houthi de facto authority in Sana’a on Thursday, June 6, along with Yemeni staff of the United Nations, international non-governmental organizations and multinational companies.

Request for Proposals (RFP): Digital Campaign Training Consultant

Request for Proposal (RFP) - Adapt and Expand Closing Spaces Political Organizing Playbook and Associated Pilot Training Materials
The purpose of this request for proposal (RFP) is to identify a vendor or vendors who can adapt and expand NDI’s existing political organizing playbook developed for democratic parties in closed and closing spaces and the associated pilot training workshop materials to identify and make modifications for broader applicability across a variety of contexts and increased political party adoption.

Request for Proposals - Research Partner in Slovakia
The purpose of this request for proposals (RFP) is to identify a research partner to conduct participatory, thorough, and gender-informed assessments of specific sections of government services provided to Roma in Slovakia to assess any discrepancies in provision, as well as the power dynamics that allow such discrepancies to exist.