November 10th, 2010

Afghans See Karzai, Iran Hands in Poll | Nov. 5, 2010

Wall Street Journal | Link to story  »

"Afghanistan's election authorities are being pressured by President Hamid Karzai and by Iran to alter the preliminary results of September's parliamentary races, adding new controversy to a fraud-marred election, officials and candidates say...


NDI Sees Deterioration in Ukraine's Election Environment and Urges Improvement | Nov. 2, 2010

Kyiv Post | Link to story  »

"The National Democratic Institute issued a news release regarding its assessment of the ongoing election environment.

The following is the full text of NDI's new release issued today."

Link to story »

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NDI's election monitoring partner in the Central African Republic (CAR), the National Elections Observatory (ONE) issued its preliminary statement on Nov. 2 after observing the country's voter registration process. The CAR is scheduled to hold overdue presidential and legislative elections on Jan. 23. This was the country's second effort this year to register voters in preparation for the elections.

The full statement is available in French. An English summary follows.

VP Meets EU, US Ambassadors and NDI's Director | Nov. 1, 2010

Saba Net | Link to story  »

"Vice President Abu Rabo Mansour Hadi met here on Monday with ambassadors of the European Union, the U.S. and Director of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) with presence of the National Democratic Alliance Parties (NDAPs) leaders.


U.S Pushes Sudanese Meetings to Ensure Southern Referendum, Avoid Violence | Oct. 25, 2010

Bloomberg | Link to story  »

"The U.S. is working to avoid the 'danger' that could develop if Southern Sudan fails to hold a long-planned referendum on whether to secede from Sudan and form a separate nation, U.S. State Department spokesman Philip J. Crowley said...



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