NDI Canvasses Creation of Electoral Offences Commission | Nov. 18, 2010

Vanguard | Link to story  »

"America-based National Democratic Institute, NDI, has said for free and fair elections to be held in Nigeria come 2011, many of the shortcomings of previous elections must be addressed.


November 15th, 2010

Southern Sudanese Register to Vote on Independence | Nov. 15, 2010

Bloomberg | Link to story  »

"Southern Sudanese began registering to vote in a referendum in January to decide whether their oil- producing region will break away from Sudan and become Africa's newest independent nation...


Christian-Democrat Leaders in USA | Nov. 12, 2010

The Messenger | Link to story  »

"Leaders of the Christian-Democratic Movement, Giorgi Targamadze and Nika Laliashvili are holding closed consultations at the State Department, National Security Council, Congress and Senate in the USA...

"Organisers of the event are the National Democratic Institute (NDI), and influential non-governmental organisations."



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