Governing Party in Angola Wins Election in a Landslide, Official Results Show | Sept. 9, 2008

New York Times | Link to article »

The governing party in oil-rich Angola won a landslide victory in the country’s first elections in 16 years, official results show, prompting a remarkable concession of defeat by the leading opposition party, which just six years ago was the government’s enemy in a brutal 27-year civil war.

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Development Shows Up at U.S. Presidential Conventions and in the Party Platforms | Sept. 8, 2008

Center for Global Development | Link to article »

CGD and other organizations working to make the U.S. role in reducing global poverty part of the national debate in the 2008 presidential elections can claim some interim victories: the Democratic and Republican platforms both address the development implications not only of foreign assistance but also of trade and climate change...

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The World Isn't Vegas: What Happens There, Matters Here Say Global Poverty Experts at Democratic National Convention | Sept. 2, 2008

Center for Global Development | Link to article »

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but what happens in the rest of the world doesn’t stay there and directly affects American lives according to several participants in roundtable discussions on international relations and global poverty at the Democratic National Convention.


Global Leaders Study Democracy in Denver | Aug. 29, 2008

Voice of America | Link to article »

Political leaders from more than 100 countries joined the Democrats at their national convention. As VOA's Kent Klein reports from Denver, the visitors have been taking part in a forum on the democratic process, and they will return home with new ideas about ways to strengthen their democracies.

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Diplomats Court Obama Foreign Policy Team at Denver Convention | Aug. 28, 2008

Bloomberg News | Link to article »

Oman's ambassador to the U.S., Hunaina bint Sultan bin Ahmad al-Mughairi, was doing some serious mingling among the Democratic foreign policy elite at the Denver Art Museum.

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Denver: Lessons in Fundraising, Word on NAFTA's Future | Aug. 27, 2008

Embassy Magazine | Link to article »

The hottest ticket in the country this summer has been the 2008 Democratic Party Convention in Denver. There was a last-minute frenzy as party activists, lobbyists, political junkies and the plain curious pulled out every stop to get the coveted credential that allows access to Denver's Pepsi Center...

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