Donna Brazile is a veteran political strategist, a Fox News contributor, an adjunct professor at Georgetown University, and the King Endowed Chair in Public Policy at Howard University. She previously served as interim Chair of the Democratic National Committee and of the DNC’s Voting Rights Institute. She managed the Gore campaign in 2000 and has lectured at more than 225 colleges and universities on race, diversity, women, leadership and restoring civility in politics.


Rye Barcott is co-founder and CEO of, a movement to build a cross-partisan coalition of veterans in Congress who can help fix our broken politics and put principles before politics. Barcott served previously in the U.S. Marine Corps, where he first came across NDI’s courageous and important work enabling elections in Fallujah.


J. Brian Atwood became dean of the Humphrey School of Public Affairs in October 2002, where he is widely credited for raising the school's profile and national ranking. He served for six years as Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) during the Administration of President William Clinton. In the Clinton Administration, Atwood led the transition team at the State Department and was Under Secretary of State for Management prior to his appointment as head of USAID.


Bernard W. Aronson is co-founder and managing partner of ACON Investments LLC, a private equity group with offices in Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, Madrid, Mexico City and Sao Paulo. Mr. Aronson served as assistant secretary of state for inter-American affairs from 1989-1993. Following his service, he was awarded the Distinguished Service Award, the State Department’s highest honor, by Secretary of State Warren Christopher for his role in ending the wars and promoting democracy in Central America. Mr.


Rob serves as the Treasurer of the Board of Directors at NDI. He has served on many non-profit boards including the German Marshall Fund, the Atlantic Council and as long-time chair of the Faith and Politics Institute, Congressman John Lewis’s group. He also served on for-profit boards including FiatChrysler Automotive in Detroit, Fiat Industrial in Torino, Italy, and Airbus North America.


Matt Dippell is deputy director of the Latin America and Caribbean team at NDI. For more than a decade, he has organized democracy strengthening programs on civil-military relations, political parties, civic organizing and elections in more than 15 countries. In addition, Mr. Dippell serves as an advisor on candidate debate programs and is NDI's liaison for projects around the world with the Commission on Presidential Debates, the independent nonprofit organization that has sponsored and produced all U.S. general election presidential debates since 1987. Before joining NDI, Mr.


Jeffrey England is Deputy Regional Director for NDI's Middle East and North Africa (MENA) division. From 2009 to 2012, Mr. England served as NDI's Resident Country Director for Morocco and Algeria, and was the Institute's representative for the Maghreb North Africa until offices opened in Tunisia and Libya in mid-2011. Prior to assuming his post in Morocco in 2009, Mr. England spent four years managing the Institute's Maghreb portfolio from Washington, D.C.


Raissa Tatad-Hazell is the deputy regional director for Asia programs at the National Democratic Institute (NDI). Since 2001, she has supported NDI’s democratic development programs in Afghanistan, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Timor-Leste. From 2010 to 2014, she served as NDI’s Washington-DC based Director for Afghanistan and Pakistan Programs.


Linda Stern is the director of Global Design, Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (G-DMEL), and leads the Institute’s efforts to build an evidence base for democracy assistance programs; and promote evidence-based learning at NDI. On behalf of the Institute, Linda also leads the Fundamental Freedoms Fund - Research, Evaluation & Learning (FFF-REL) initiative, a consortium of evaluators from seven leading democracy and human rights organizations.


Sander Schultz serves as NDI's chief financial officer, based in Washington, D.C. He has held this position since joining the Institute in October 1995. Previous to NDI, Mr. Schultz worked for more than eight years at the Big Five accounting firm of KPMG where he specialized in providing auditing and consulting services to not-for-profit organizations. He earned a B.S. in accounting from James Madison University and is a certified public accountant in the State of Maryland.


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